Jogue com Agente, Venha para o Imortal WoW ! Venha Para o Frostmourne!

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quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Wow além do jogo

Para quem ainda duvida que o WOW é apenas um jogo ai está a demonstração que supera a barreira virtual criando grandes vínculos...Segue a legenda da Blizz sobre a imagem....Uma homenagem a um player que partiu dessa para uma melhor...Onde a honra junta a Horde e Ally....

"On the 5th of June, the community of the Spanish-realm 'Los Errantes' paid their last respects to Angeliss, beloved player of the kingdom who died recently. Both the Horde and the Alliance flocked to express sorrow for his loss and support his closest friends. 'Death, in payment to wrest him from us, gives him a place in memory, beloved. And then his life, that fate would want to shorten, will live forever in us, immortal glory.'

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